Mailing List of Attendees
The mailing list of attendees registered to date is now available for you to download for your pre-show promotions. Download the mailing list.
Lead Retrieval
Capture emails, phone, and fax numbers with Experient’s lead retrieval system. Download the order form.
*For additional questions, contact Experient by calling .
Free EXPO Pass
Download and customize the EXPO Pass with your company name, save it again (very important), and send out to customers and prospects before the show. ($75 value)
*Please note: It may not be used for your booth personnel registrations and anyone using it as such will be asked to leave the show. Do not post it to your web site or send it to media outlets.
Free Webinar on Increasing your ROI
Watch the free webinar recording for other ways to promote your booth, increase traffic, and prepare for the show.
Exhibitor Logos
Download the official exhibitor logos to include in advertising, on your website, in emails and newsletters.
ASLA Press Room
Bring 40 copies of a press release or media kit to drop off in the ASLA Press Room, located in Room 302 of the Convention Center.
*Don’t forget to put your booth number on the materials in case the media wish to follow up with you during the EXPO.